Sunday, November 25, 2007
Just thanks a lot. It was a pretty nice thing to read all of the posts and receive all of the warm fuzzies. It's kind of lame to thank everyone all at once--or at least I think it is--but please forgive for now. Be assured that your comment was appreciated and I'm sure I'll remember every one. Next time I see you it'll be the first thing in my head.
So yup. I'm 28. And I appear to have some pretty decent friends and family. You have all embarrassed the crap out of me, in a fun way. Zikomo, y'all.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
New Blogger (and questionable time-manager)

Monday, November 19, 2007
check's in the mail

you must be so wise now, i mean that
love that you are who you are, happy someone made this happen for you, and can't wait to see you agian,
Look, baby! I made a blog!
So, hi. Since I already sent you a lot of birthday love via e-mail, I'm going to forgo a long post and let you scroll down to read the others. But listen: I hope you have a wonderful day. I hope you have some time at the internet cafe to read all these messages. I hope you find a way to bring home a panga knife. I want one.
You are my favorite person in the world. I love you.
Your Girl
today is your birthday...but then, you knew that
anyway, happy birthday, from me and my fat belly.
November 19. November 19 you were born into this world.
dear adam,

hi there! this is hillary's friend lauren writing to wish you a wonderful birthday. chicago has missed you terribly and we can't wait to see and hang out with you. brendan and i have whipped up a virtual birthday cake in honor of your special day. just make sure you share it with all the kids!
make a wish!
xo, lauren and brendan
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Happy Birthday, Bro
Anyway, we 4 here in Lynden wish you a very happy birthday. We will be anxious to see you a bit more regularly once you return stateside. The kids miss "Uncle Adam," especially searching for "buried" treasure in Grandpa Bloemendaal's flower bed! The picture is one we dug up from the last time we saw you...
Caleb wanted to send you some soap for your birthday... I think he figured there's not a lot of soap in Malawi. We didn't get that sent, unfortunately, but I guess it's the thought that counts.
We (Ryan and Amie) miss you too, and we hope that your birthday is something special. We all will continue to pray for you, for your safety and for your work there, and for many birthdays to come. We love you!
Ryan, Amie, Caleb, & Emilyn
P.S. You must not have gotten our "we have a new e-mail address" e-mail, because we have not received any ZP stuff for quite a while. It is
Happy Birthday!
I hope that as you read this blog that Hillary set up that all is going well for you in Africa and at the orphanage.
When I think of what you're doing over there, I recall a conversation I had with a friend a few years back. Being somewhat of a comic fanboy, I was telling this friend that I've always been attracted to stories about heroes, about super heroes especially. I think one of the reasons is that something pure like that rarely exists in our world. In fact, the only equivalent to the Spider-men and Batmen of the comic world, I said to this friend, where the volunteers, the ones who take up arms and fight injustice in the world, seeking to make it a better place.
Granted, many of these start out as idealistic, dewey-eyed naive folks who become bitter and forswear the struggle. Those, who, in essence, give into the cynicism and give up the fight.
What I find heroic are those who (like you) acknowledge that the world isn't a rosy place, and yet continue to work to make things better, in spite of that knowledge.
I guess all of this is my meandering way of saying your one of my heroes. (let the corny "awwws" ensue) Well done! Keep up the good (and inspiring) work.
Happy Birthday, when you get back stateside, I look forward to sharing a beer with you and hearing about your adventures. (although your blog does a great job of sharing those stories as well!)
vaya con dios,
-Patrick Hurley
Happy 28th birthday son!
Make a difference in a few people's lives, bring some peace into the chaos...and you can literally change the world. The example you've set is pretty humbling...and encouraging.
Now just make sure you get yourself home in one piece and don't catch something during your last couple of months there. We think Tracy is improving after her bout
(Oh, and we would like to see you again, too!)
We love you, bud.
- Dad & Mom
P.S. - Since we don't get to talk that often, we decided to include a couple pictures of the 'girls' weekend in Chicago and a couple shots from
At the bottom are Dad at 'David's waterfall' at En Gedi (where David camped with his men when running from Saul); and floating in the Dead Sea (1400 feet below sea level) with Brian & Chuck
You're My Hero.
Adam. You're an animal. You're a stallion, with a gold heart. As I was going through my photos of you, I came across this beauty. I of course had to touch it up a little, with hopes that when you get back to the states you might score a modeling contract.
I have so many fond memories of hanging out with you. Of course, since we're family, we were forced to be around each other. However, I always looked up to you, and you really helped me build a foundation for my life. I wouldn't be a massive tool if it hadn't been for you! Thanks so much!
Hope your birthday rocks man. Cause you rock. You rock really hard!
(Hillary is a pretty nifty female. Right on bro...right on)
Dave and Mysha
hymns in rounds and tequilla shots
when i think of my fondest memories of you, two specific moments come up:
1. our trip out to colorado to nick and jess' wedding. to be very very specific, that long trip through the night on our way there when we started singing hymns in rounds. i wish for my life that i could remember which hymn we were singing...was it let all things now living? that was so hillarious. that trip would've been a bore without you--and we probably would have died b/c there would have been no you to drive us through the mountains in a snow storm. (a few other exciting things on that trip...does a flashlight and 6 scared to death people in the woods ring a bell???)
2. doing the amazing race for my birthday. you and me, running from lincoln park zoo straight to ceasars (with a pit stop to record us doing cartwheels in front of that moose thing) and doing tequilla shots after having already shoved about 27 peeps down our throats, spinning around a bat 10 times, doing 2 espresso shots, and having just sprinted a mile through lake view. and we still lost by one and a half points. it was nice having someone as competetive as me on our team!
hope you're doing really really well. happy birthday. love, carolyn sue
Saturday, November 17, 2007
. . . a Birthday Story for Adam . . .

A young man named Adam was once gifted a fabulous gift in the form of a blog; it was devoted to wishing him well on his twenty-eighth birthday. When he read this blog, he soared to new emotional highs.

However, most were simply happy to know Adam, and to have him as part of their lives.

-Adam, sorry for the silliness, but we wanted our post to stand out in the crowd. This whole thing was Hillary's brilliant idea; I think you should keep her. We look anxiously forward to the next time we see you; we miss you and we love you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
-Tom & Shanna
Happy Birthday Adam
And let tell you (and everyone I know who reads this blog which is more than who read my blog because I never ever post on it) that as a birthday gift I am putting your name in the running for godfather of our baby. You have several pros going for you, but you may be edged out in the end because of your smelly feet. Our child will already have smelly feet real-genes, he/she doesn't need smelly feet god-genes as well.
Isn't that just like me? Announcing the pregnancy of my wife on someone's birthday blog? I'm not sure if that means I am completely egocentric or just too lazy to put a bunch of people's names in an email. But anywho, happy birthday. Becca and I think of you often. And when you get kicked out of Malawi because of political unrest and show up in D.C. and are trying to regain your bearings in the wild wild west (AKA the pong pong west), I promise I will answer the phone this time. And I won't steal your glasses again.
Happy birthday!
Laremy and Becca
From Ray & Linnea Brock
Ray and Linnea Brock
From Dave & Joyce
Just a quick note to wish you a very happy 28th birthday. You better watch it or you will catch up with this old man. Just want you to know that you are loved and missed. When you return to the US it would be great to have you down for Sunday dinner. There's always room at the table, ya know. Besides we could talk about the 'good old days' when you were just a snot-nosed, barefoot college kid. Maybe Grandma Great could bring some cooked fruit for dessert, eh? Really, we love and miss you. Take care, and God bless.
Dave & Joyce
Friday, November 16, 2007
The Birthday Boy!!!

Hi love, miss you a Fricken Ton!!! I hope those who get to be there w/ you on your Birthday know how awesome you are and feel special to be with you. You better come visit me in Columbus or I'll express ship you some dirty daipers :) , as a very belated birthday present of course. I'm so excited for when you're back but I'm so glad that Malawi has been healthy and healing for you. And the Zikomo project is brilliant, I am so proud to be your friend!
ps-even if you did crap work and your creativity never got farther than your head, I'd still be proud to be your friend. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
pps. Don't have a clue who the lady in the picture is, but she's pretty excited about her gift of dirty diapers, looks like she even got an award.
When are you coming back???

Dear Man Crush
Other Adam
I see Dom beat me to the punch in wishing you a happy birthday. It's not a surprise considering the wonderful person that he is.
This Hillary is quite a clever little girl, organizing such a public show of affection from all of your friends and family. I could use a nice lady like that so if things don't work out. . .
Oh man, what a horrible thing for me to say. I clearly have developed no more class than when you left.
In any case, I am thankful for the gods of fate (meaning whatshisname at Seville) that placed you at Golden Apple last year and I'm sure there are scads of folks over yonder in Malawi who feel the same. Still, stop trying to save the world and get back here to make an honest woman of Ms. Clemens. Oh wait, I sense myself needing to be reeled in again.
I've got the first round when you're back in the hicag. We'll get the gang back together.
Tsalani bwino, sukani bwino.

Adam, oh Adam. Where fore art thou, Adam?
You were the quintessential employee: earthy but not dirty, hairy but not swarthy, friendly but not arrogant. I envy you because I am only dirty, swarthy and arrogant.
How I miss watching your British friend whisper sweet nothings to you, trying to claim your innonence for his own satisfaction. You know I write, don't you? Upon your return, I would love for you to read my original screenplay, a take on the English Patient for the new Millennia. You, him and scores of your new Malawian friends in an epic tale of charity, gender confusion, and innocence lost. It might well lead to my directorial debut and the fame and acclaim that I so cleary deserve, mostly because I say so.
Alas, though, your return is all to far away and I have credit to steal, people to whom I must condescend and minorities to offend while blustering about how hard I work on their behalf.
But I digress, young friend. I came here to wish you a happy birthday and do so I will. Enjoy.
Dom the Omnipotent
Happy Happy Birthday
I miss you very, very much and hope that you will grace Chicago with your presence again when you are done with your work in Africa. Until then, I'll think fondly of the memories I do have-- the LONG snowy trip to Colorado and the events that kept us busy; playing beach volleyball; admiring your guts as you flasked it in the bar; and many many more.
I hope your birthday is a good one, you deserve it.
Much Love,
Tricia Kay
Ok, so I guess I'm supposed to say Happy Birthday............. Ok OK OK OK Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! We miss you around the office!!!! I mean there is no one here to wear the floor patrol hat!!!! You Know Who misses you!! She says she wants you before her teeth fall out or she retires. One or the other. I mean 40 yr difference isn't alot right? (Hillary, huge inside office joke)
Any hooooo, I hope you come back soon, because your grandpa is now looking for a new assistant, he apparantly can't work on new projects because it interferes with his nap time, therefore he needs someone to do it for him. I think you might just be the man to do it. After all, he is family. Anything for Granddaddy!!! Ok ya regresate, para podernos ir a hechar ua pedototota.
Ok hugs!!!!
bappy hearthday.
i hope this blog finds you with glee. on this day of your birth, i pose you one question: how does it feel to be 28?
my great-grandpa was fond of asking that question on ones birthday. he always asked it with a smile, all those numbers in between mine and his fueling his happiness.
keep on truckin', boy.
i hope you are well,
From Sherri Lantinga
I cannot believe you're turning 28! My most vivid memory of you (though I have plenty of other more/less vivid memories) is in Experimental Psych, when someone mentioned that a plane had hit the world trade center that morning; you were in that class, and for some reason the faces in that class makes up my "flashbulb" memory of 9/11. I also remember fondly your bare feet, various hair styles, your post-graduate show on faith and life, and our most recent visit during my kids' soccer game.
Have a wonderful birthday, so far from home, and teach the locals how to sing "happy birthday" to you and make wishes before you blow out candles on cake-now-covered-with-a-fine-mist-of-well-intentioned-spittle.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Adam!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Happy Birthday!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Yom Huledet Same'ach!

Hey Pal,
I hope you have a superb birthday! I know it seems like just another day when you can't be home celebrating with family and friends, but hopefully these notes from friends will make your day a bit more special. Know you are thought of and loved on your special day...I sound like a Hallmark card don't I? Sorry...the US has made me soft already... Have a great day! Lindsay
Sunday, November 11, 2007
They say it's your birthday...dananananananana
Adam, Happy birthday! And here is your present-I'm still in Chicago, no plans to depart before your return. So we can have a beer then:)
Blessings, friend!
dear adam,
i think you're great.
i hope you have a wonderful birthday. remember that time you met up with me and my family and ate "happy graduation, laurel!" cake? pretend it was birthday cake, for you, and we were just celebrating in advance.
that's right. and they didn't even know you.
happy birthday!! you are missed.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Happy Birthday. I am enjoying receiving your emails and hearing about all the great projects you are finding. I am really impressed at your whole concept of finding ways to bring a little peace to the Chaos in Malawi. God is using you to bring shalom. Keep up the great work.
Hope you feel especially celebrated on your upcoming birthday. Have a great one.
Diane Hutchings
Happy Birthday, Adam
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birrrthday dear Adam.
Happy birthday to you.
You have not heard Conn and me sing, but trust us, this is the way you want to be sang to. Without audio. We do, however, bake a pretty darn good cake. Maybe for your 29th birthday we can bake and sing for you. Do they celebrate birthdays in Malawi? We wish you a very happy birthday, Adam.
Amy and Conn Clements
Monday, November 5, 2007
happy bizzle
much love
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Happy birthday from Jerome, Idaho!
Norma Odiaga--Friend of Adam's parents
(I lived in Gabon, West Africa, from 1965 to 1967. Times have changed since then. HIV Aids hadn't been "invented" yet! And we didn't have sugar cane in Gabon!)
Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy birthday, friend.
It's not much of a present, but I thought it might be cute to finally get you that picture that I spent about 4 months trying to send to you in an open-able format. Hopefully, since we finally let it drop, it won't be a complete anti-climax any longer. Somehow, I just thought it was a pic you'd appreciate. We're just so darn happy!
And now for the inevitable words of birthday cheese: I'm really thrilled that we've managed to stay in touch. I think you're a really swell guy and am truly glad to know you - even if only in an email-every-few-months kind of way. Much love to you, Adam, you old fart, you.
ps- (and yes, I AM one of those people who doesn't like to be the one that hasn't yet responded in an email correspondence. I would tell you that this counts as a response, but it IS your birthday after all.... okay fine. I'M still the one who owes YOU an email.)
pps- here's a shot of our new Yaletown condo (taken before we moved in) (!!!!!)