Sunday, November 18, 2007

hymns in rounds and tequilla shots

dearest adam. happy happy birthday wishes from korea to africa.

when i think of my fondest memories of you, two specific moments come up:

1. our trip out to colorado to nick and jess' wedding. to be very very specific, that long trip through the night on our way there when we started singing hymns in rounds. i wish for my life that i could remember which hymn we were singing...was it let all things now living? that was so hillarious. that trip would've been a bore without you--and we probably would have died b/c there would have been no you to drive us through the mountains in a snow storm. (a few other exciting things on that trip...does a flashlight and 6 scared to death people in the woods ring a bell???)

2. doing the amazing race for my birthday. you and me, running from lincoln park zoo straight to ceasars (with a pit stop to record us doing cartwheels in front of that moose thing) and doing tequilla shots after having already shoved about 27 peeps down our throats, spinning around a bat 10 times, doing 2 espresso shots, and having just sprinted a mile through lake view. and we still lost by one and a half points. it was nice having someone as competetive as me on our team!

hope you're doing really really well. happy birthday. love, carolyn sue

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